Ponomarev V.V., Arkind G.D., Schensnovich A.Ya.
Belarusian Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education, Minsk 21st Minsk City Central Polyclinic, Minsk
Efficiency of the tizalud in complex therapy of pains in the bottom part of the back
Summary. Results of complex therapy of 30 patients with pain in the bottom part of a back with application of a preparation Tizalud in a dose of 6 mg/day are represented in the article. Questions of clinic, diagnostics and a choice of the differentiated therapy are discussed at this pathology. It is shown that inclusion of the preparation Tizalud in the complex therapy allows to eliminate effectively the basic symptoms îf the dorsopathy, both as monotherapy, and as a combination with NSAIDs.
Keywords: a pain in the bottom part of a back, dorsopathy, diagnostics, Tizalud.