Preparation registered in Ukraine
Mischenko T., Derevetska V., Mischenko V., Kabachnaya I.
Use of drugs Normoven and Tizalud in patients with tension headache
The study examined the influence of combined use of centrally acting muscle relaxant (Tizalud) and veintonic (Normoven) produced by “Kyiv Vitamin Factory”on the frequency and severity of headaches in patients with tension headache (THA). It is concluded that combined use of Normoven and Tizalud is recommended to reduce the severity and frequency of headache attacks in patients suffering from episodic THA. Under the influence of treatment reduction in severity of asthenic and depressive syndromes was noted. The positive influence of drugs on rates of venous blood flow in the examined patients is shown.
Key words: tension headache, centrally acting muscle relaxant, veintonic, Tizalud, Normoven.