Preparation registered in Ukraine
Myofascial facial pain
Myofascial violations in the facial muscles are developed by the same mechanisms as in the skeletal and cause 10—20 % of face pain syndromes. The mechanism of development of muscle pain is that at the initial stage in the muscle there is residual voltage, and then locally persistent hypertonicity occurs. The combined therapy includes: occlusion correction, load limitation on the muscles of chewing (chewing gum is contraindicated). In the presence of CT in the masticatory muscles the procaine block and dry puncture ensure good results. The postisometric relaxation of the affected muscles, facial massage, physiotherapy, acupuncture are administered. The pharmacological treatment of myofascial pain dysfunction includes muscle relaxants (tizanidine, baclofen), psychotropic drugs (tranquilizers and antidepressants), nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamin B (neovitam).
Key words: pain, myofascial syndrome. tizanidine