Preparation registered in Ukraine
Increasing efficiency of the treatment young age patients, who suffering of myopia
Skrypnyk R., Tihonchuk N.
Bogomolets National Medical University, Kiev, Ukraine
Kiev Town Centre of the Diagnostics and Treatments Vascular Dystrophic Eye’s Diseases, Kiev, Ukraine
The interest of the researchers is conditioned by high degree prevalence myopias among population, freqent development of the complications and conservation of the high percent primary disability in the general nosology structure disability organ of the vision. High degenerative myopia in structure of the blindness and low vision occupies the second place amongst baby disability. The study of the development to refractions since age shows that exactly in teenaged period is noted most progressive shortsightedness. Multifactorial patogenetic directed action of the preparation Vizivit on structures of the fabric eye presents the certain interest for enabling it in complex of the treatment patient with myopia.
Under observation was found 25 patients. All patient was organized traditional ophtalmologic examination, as well as is organized study of the critical frequency of the merging flicker. At collation result quips of the vision of the statistical reliable difference was not revealled. Revealed increasing of the critical frequency of the merging flicker on phosphene beside 69% patient. Inclusion in complex therapy the preparation Vizivit positively influences upon functional condition of the retina beside patient with myopia.
Keywords: the myopia, organ of the vision, Vizivit, critical frequency of the merging flicker, visual functions.